ICDE 2017 will feature two poster sessions, as follows:
TKDE, ICDE Short Research Papers, ICDE Industry Posters
- Wednesday, April 19, 3:30-5:00PM and during ICDE Reception: TKDE and ICDE Short Paper posters and Industry posters:
- TKDE Posters: Authors of selected regular research articles, from those accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions of Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE) in 2016, have been invited to present posters at ICDE 2017.
- ICDE Short Paper Posters: This year, some of the research track submissions have been accepted as posters, with extended abstracts in the proceedings.
- ICDE Industry Posters: This year, some of the industry track submissions have been accepted as posters, with extended abstracts or full papers in the proceedings.
ICDE Long Research Papers Posters
- Thursday, April 20: 1:30-3:00 PM, 3:30-5:00 PM, and 5:00-6:00PM:
- ALL Research, Industry, Applications track presentations will also have the opportunity to display a poster, in addition to their oral presentation, in order to provide an opportunity for more in-depth discussions.
Poster dimensions for ALL posters: 48 inches high x 42 inches wide.